Monday, July 12, 2021

Set Your Writer's Voice Free


I've often posted a freewrite exercise here. For those who aren't quite sure what that is:  We use a prompt, usually a single word or a phrase. The writer is to start writing, no thoughts ahead of time. Write continuously for a minimum of 10 minutes without stopping. It doesn't matter what you write. Let it come from the recesses of your mind to your fingertips. Set a timer to help you know when to stop.

One of the big benefits of this type of exercise is that you may pull deep thoughts from your subconscious, ones you keep buried under normal circumstances. You also free your emotions and can bring forth some strong writing. When working on a story or essay, many writers tend to keep their emotions in check, refusing to let the reader see the real writer. It's then that someone critiquing your work will tell you to 'dig deeper.' They are trying to tell you that you've only skimmed the surface of your subject. It's more common than you think.

It's when we release those deeper thoughts and emotions that our writing becomes stronger and worth being published. As the poster for today says, it sets your writer's voice free. Suddenly, the real you appears. The more often you do a freewrite exercise, the easier it will be to let your writer's voice shine through. We establish a habit.

What if the majority of what you write in that ten or fifteen minutes seems like gibberish, worth nothing? It can happen, but you can also end up with the bones of a story or personal essay. You might find that you've written some excellent phrases. Those phrases might end up in a poem sometime.

Remember to write continuously without stopping. That is key for this exercise. Keep your thoughts moving as though they are on a wheel that keeps spinning. 

Prompts for a Freewrite Exercise

 A. Words







Phrases for a Freewrite Exercise

a sip of tea

running through  a rainstorm

the grace of a woman

the strength of a man

a soothing lullaby

a bloody battle withiin


  1. I'm getting two of everything everyday. One is under the title of Nancy and the other is under Writer Granny

  2. Better two than none at all. :) I think that will happen until Blogger finally ends their email subscription service. They said 'in July' but it may mean when July is over. So, for a couple more weeks, you'll probably get two, then just one. Thanks for letting me known.


Have You Found Your Writer's Voice?

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