Sunday, January 12, 2025

Writers Helping Writers

Today's poster is meant to bring a smile. Something that brings a smile to people is when we help one another. I've seen a lot of that during the week since our Kansas blizzard. Post after post on Facebook featuring people who need help and others who are offering to help those in need. Getting stuck in fifteen inches of snow is no picnic, and definitely a time when help from others is needed and ever so appreciated.

Seeing those posts made me think about how writers can help other writers. There are a number of ways we can do that. A list follows:

A. Blog about writing that gives tips and encouragement to writers. (That's the theme of this blog in case you had never noticed)

B.  When you're at a writing workshop, look for those people who seem to be alone. Start a conversation or draw them into a group conversation. 

C.  Offer your services to your local or state writing organization. Be an officer, give a program, offer to give a workshop at a conference, greet new members. Be a joiner, not a lurker. Those who join and do things in a group usually benefit the most.

D.  Write articles about writing that might be of interest or help to other writers.

E.  Join a writing critique group where you both give and receive critiques on your writing. There are great benefits in doing this. Writers helping writers.

F.  Befriend a new writer. A chat over coffee or lunch can be so helpful to those beginning writers who still have many questions. 

G.  If you're an experienced writer, write a book about the craft. You can help new writers this way and add another publication to your name, as well.

There are other ways to help your fellow writers. You'll see them when the opportunity arises. There are writers who don't want to get involved with other writers, so they pass up those chances to help others. That's their choice, but I've always found that by helping others, I also reap some benefits. 

Consider how much help you might have needed as a new writer. When I first began writing, I knew I needed all the help I could find. It's why I joined a local writers' group where I was living at the time. It was a group of around eight people. I learned so much from them, and as time went on, I was able to help some of the newer members by answering their questions and giving encouragement when the opportunity arose. When we moved to another community, one of the first things I did was to look for a local writing group. 

Writers helping writers! It can bring a smile to your face.


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