Thursday, January 16, 2025

A Writer's Word For 2025

 There seems to be a new trend lately. You're to pick your 'word for the year' and keep it in mind as you navigate through the end of January and the next eleven months. Maybe a word is easier than making a list of resolutions that seem to take wing and fly off into the stratosphere. 

With that in mind, the word I'm proposing for writers to claim as their own in 2025 is ACTIVE. It's a word that can cover a good many bases in the writing world. Let's look at a few.

A. Write something every day. It doesn't matter if it is 25 words or 2500. Just write!

B. Get your writing files in order this month. 

C. Go through your files to see what pieces you might work on and submit for publication.

D. Give yourself regular pep talks. Do all you can to boost your confidence in your writing ability. 

E. Be ACTIVE in the writing groups you belong to. (If you don't belong to any, find one!)

F. Spend time with other writers. Nobody will understand you better than another writer.

G. Make a list of writing projects you would like to pursue during this year.

H. Spend time on a regular basis researching possible markets that fit your writing.

I'm sure there are other things you can do to be active in your writing life, but the ones in my list will be a good start. The important thing is to remember to be ACTIVE on a regular basis, not just now and then. 

Today's poster let us know that we shouldn't sit back and do nothing. We need to be ACTIVE to make progress in our writing world.

I am using ACTIVE as my word for 2025. Won't you join me and adopt ACTIVE as your word for this new year?

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