Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Write About the Weather

 We all talk about the weather. It affects a great many things in our lives. Brides live in fear of a rainy day when they are going to be married. Graduates hope for a sunny, not too windy day for outdoor graduations. Parents traveling two hours to an airport to pick up married children dread having to travel on snow-packed or icy roads. Campers want warm, dry weather. There are so very many ways weather plays a part in our lives. 

It's a perfect topic for writers to pursue. Think of the sensory details a writer might use--the sound of rain on a tin roof, seeing and hearing lightning and thunder, touching the cold snow, the way grass tickles your bare feet, the smell of coffee, the odor of a skunk who has released his nastiness nearby, petting a cat, and so many more, 

Sensory details bring a reader into a scene, and the ones used when writing about weather can be especially interesting. 

Writing about weather offers the writer an opportunity to practice descriptive phrases. As an exercise today, write descriptive phrases for the following weather topics: 

A. Blizzard

B.  Thunderstorm

C.  Blistering hot day

D.  Flood

E.  Ice storm

Writing about weather allows the writer to dive into the sea of adjectives to write memorable descriptions. Remember to use one or two at the most. More adjectives than that makes for overkill and detracts from what you're describing. 

What type of writing can you do with weather as your topic? A fiction story. A personal essay describing a weather event you experienced. An article explaining some weather event. A children's story that revolves around weather. A poem. 

You can see that weather plays a part in our writing and offers us many opportunities. 

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