Saturday, January 4, 2025

January Cleaning Time for Writers


Today's post is a repeat from a few years ago and meant to remind you about cleaning up your writing world--the area where you write, your files, and more. 

Someone has to say it so I might as well be the one to tell you that it's time for the annual cleaning of your writing world. If you're like me, the area next to your computer tends to get a bit cluttered. Maybe more than a bit. It doesn't take too much time to sift through and see what can be discarded and what must be kept. I also have a small three-tiered shelf unit next to my computer desk. Things tend to pile up there. January is a good time to sort through the accumulated items and either toss or file in the proper place. 

What about your computer files related to your writing? I'm talking about your submission records, the unfinished writing projects, the first drafts that have been left to simmer. Anything related to your writing life. Even your email address book deserves a cleaning. I noticed the other day that mine had names I never use anymore. Time to delete them! 

What about your documents file? Do you have outdated pieces resting there, gathering dust? I noticed that there are many photos in my Documents file that are repeats of ones in my picture file. I don't need them in two places. Delete them in one place or the other. For me, the photos belong in the picture file, not my Documents. 

I try to make hard copies of everything I write, even though saved on my computer. January is a good time to skim through and find any that I have missed this year, then print and place in my large binder. It never hurts to have computer files and hard copies, as well. 

This month is also the time to total your earnings related to your writing life. Make sure you have some written proof such as the bottom section of the checks editors send. Tax time is upon us. Whether you are a part-time writer or write for a living, records to complete your tax returns are absolutely necessary. If you're not sure how much you need to earn before it's necessary to report your earnings, check with a reliable source. 

This time of year, I like to go through my files and see what stories, poems, essays etc are ones that still need more revision and editing before I can submit them somewhere. Gather them in one folder and attack one at a time.

I can promise you one thing. Once you have done your January cleaning, you'll feel good. You'll know you are ready to move on in your writing world during this new year.

Does anyone have other suggestions for January cleaning related to writing?

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