Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Writing and a Social Life


Some people consider writers to be recluses holed up in a small place with nothing but their computer as comfort. No social life whatsoever. Yes, we do tell writers to allot as much time as possible for writing., but you need not hide from the world. Being around others occasionally is beneficial.

Writers do have to learn how to balance their social life with their writing life. Certain times of the year, like December, means your social life might take a flying leap into being almost crazy busy. We enjoy the holiday gatherings with friends, family, food, and festivities of all kinds. Even so, we have obligations in our writing life, maybe even deadlines to meet. How do we balance it?

Try for another list making. On one side of your paper, list your writing responsibilities and opposite that, your social needs. I looked at my December calendar yesterday and was amazed at how many days had something written to remind me of where I should be. A few were appointments, but many were social activities that I know I will enjoy. In the back of my mind, a thought wavered. It's going to cut into writing time. 

This is when we must make choices. If a writing project takes precedence, we have to learn to say no to some invitations. I'm a social person, love to be with people, so that is difficult for me to do. For those people who are more introverted, saying no to a social event is not very hard. They often prefer their own company to that of a group of others. There is nothing wrong with that. We are all of different personalities. In some ways, I envy those who can easily say no to social events. I can do it, but with regret. 

Let's look at that list again. Put a star by the things in each list that are the most important to you. Do you want to attend all the social things on the list and fit in the writing wherever you can? If that's important to you, do it. If you want to find a balance, you might have to work harder when writing by getting up an hour earlier to do some writing, then socialize later. 

Tomorrow, we begin one of the busiest months of the year. Do some planning now. Most of all, do what is satisfying to you without being detrimental to your writing life.

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