Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Writing--Discipline and Determination


The quote today is by Pearl Buck, a prolific writer of many years ago. The daughter of missionaries, she grew up in China, and the majority of her books are set in China. She won many prizes and awards in the literary world. One of her best-known books was 'The Good Earth' which was made into a movie.

Her quote, "I don't wait for moods. You accomplish nothing if you do that. Your mind must know it has got to get down to work." is some no-nonsense advice to other writers. In the movies, writers are sometimes portrayed looking and waiting for inspiration to hit so they can write the Great American Novel. In real life, it is a bit different. We don't have days, months, and years to sit idly waiting for inspiration. Another famous writer, Jack London said, "You can't wait for inspiration. You must go after it with a club."

What the quote comes down to is that writers must be disciplined enough to work steadily on a regular basis. What if you're having trouble with a chapter or an essay? Put it away and start on something new. The advice given to us to write every day is right on. You don't need to work on the same project day in and day out. It's good to take a break now and then. Find something else to work on, either a new piece or work on revising an old one. 

If you can manage to carve out a certain time of the day that is writing time, discipline yourself to stay with it and make it a habit. I know that is not always easy to do. Those writers who make a full living writing can probably do it. Those who write only part-time or as a hobbyist writer have to fit it in around another job or household needs. Even then, it is wise to set aside a portion of your day for writing.

Determination goes hand-in-hand with discipline. The desire to write must be strong to be successful. If you have a namby-pamby attitude about writing, your results will show the same. It's beneficial to acquire the outlook that you are going to write and submit and get published. 

Discipline and determination are two qualities writers should have. How about you? Where do you fall in developing these two helps for writers?

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