Thursday, October 27, 2011

Conference--Day 3

We begin our sessions this morning with an appealing line-up of topics. We'll hear about branding for writers, definitely not the kind you  find on cattle. Next is "Finding Focus," followed by a talk titled "Transitions:  Smooth Shifts in Time, Place and Viewpoint Character:

Then comes "Evoking A Sense of Place in Your Writing" That's one I'm looking forward to as it's an important, yet often overlooked, part of a piece of fiction.

After lunch, we'll hear a talk called "Journey to the Center of a Story:  Fleshing Out Flash Fiction" which is followed by one titled "Setting the Scene, Screenwriting Basics."

"Brainstorming With the Tarot" promises to be something just right for this Halloween week. The woman who will present this one gave a terrific talk on using your dreams in your writing at our last conference. It was fascinating and a few days later, I used the suggestions she made and ended up writing the best poem of any I'd ever written.

We'll finish the day with a session on marketing given by a woman who has spent the last year promoting a nonfiction book published a year ago.

We'll end with another great dinner tonight. When you have a small conference like ours--around 22 participants--you can be informal and have wonderful meals and camaraderie, and the sessions are ultra-professional and beneficial to every writer in the room. This was to be our Fourth and Final Conference, according to the moderator, but last night she started talking about when we would have the next conference. Happens every year when she sees the great benefits these conferences bring.

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