Thursday, September 15, 2022

Writers and Pride


There is little more to be said than what today's poster offers to writers.  We move along our writing path by days, months, and years without paying attention to what we have accomplished. We get caught up in the everyday bits and pieces of our writing world and forget to mark our glory moments.

Take a few moments today to look back at how your writing life is different today from when you were the newbie. And if you're still in that newbie category, you can still do this. You may not have a great many achievements to list yet, but perhaps some small satisfying ones. 

Make a list of your achievements. That list doesn't have to include only things you've had published but also ones that brought you satisfaction in some way. Winning some kind of writing award should go on your list. Being a presenter at a writing workshop or conference definitely deserves to be on your list. Or being asked to speak to a group of school children about writing or a book you've written. Also to adult groups. 

If you've ever received a nice note from an editor, that should most definitely hit the list. Or fan mail from readers. 

The more you think about your achievements, the longer that list will be. Read it and pat yourself on the back. You earned it!

1 comment:

  1. I like the idea of looking back to help us appreciate where, and who, we are.


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