Wednesday, August 17, 2022

13 Years, But Who's Counting?


On August 14th, three days ago, this blog and I celebrated thirteen years together. Many of you were here from the beginning, while others started reading Writer Granny's World later. Each and every reader is appreciated. This is what I wrote to begin the first post on August 14, 2009:

I'm starting a new adventure, becoming a blogger. At age 70, I'm not about to let the world pass me by. I intend for this blog to be concerned with the writing world and also my personal world, now and then. Maybe others can learn something here, find a subject that they can relate to, or just enjoy getting away for a short visit.

I noted today that I have published 3,361 posts since that first day. That boggles my mind! The best part is that I've enjoyed being a blogger. Somehow, I come up with a topic day after day. Sometimes, it's something I've seen, or read. Sometimes, I go to my photo gallery and find a quote from a writer, and let it inspire my post for that day. I've posted stories and poems that I've written along with the 'tips and encouragement for writers' that my sub-banner promises. 

I've had many fine Guest Bloggers, one just yesterday. They are all people who have a lot of history in the writing world. I appreciate each and every Guest Post they have graciously agreed to write. 

In the thirteen years since I started this blog, I have become older. That's a given! I've also gained more experience in the writing world. In this length of time, some topics about writing have been repeated, but we learn through repetition, so I feel that is alright. I try to do the repeated topics with a new slant, but sometimes it is necessaary for the sake of time on a very busy day to repost an older post that is still relevant. 

One of the best benefits of writing this blog for so many years is that I have met many other fine writers and have formed friendships, even though we've never met in person. We learn from one another, and we understand one another, as well. Another benefit is that we help each other when asked.

I have always been one to try to be of service to others in some way. First, was my short teaching career (stopped after five years to raise my children), then many years as a hospital volunteer, and finally, the blog to be of some help to other writers.

I'm not sure how many more years my blog has, but my inspiration has not waned, and I'm still coherent, so on we go for year fourteen.

1 comment:

Missing Our Mothers

  Mom at 19 Those whose mothers are still living will honor them on Sunday. But for those of us who have lost our mothers, the day is bitter...