Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Where is Your Writing Place?


Our photo today shows someone's writing place. It looks like it might be in a coffee shop. The writer has coffee, a notebook, and a pen, also her phone. I see a second phone across the table. Maybe a fellow writer left her phone to charge, but is not present in this scene. The sun is shining, and the writer can look outside to see what is going on to get possible ideas for what he/she is writing. The small houseplant on the windowsill gives a homey atmosphere. It appears to be a nice place to write, although some people would be distracted by what is going on at the other tables in the coffee shop or by the constant traffic streaming by outside the window. To write in this place would take powers of concentration. 

What about you? Where do you like to write most often? There are many choices for each writer. 

Some have a special place at home that they claim as their writing spot. It might be a room turned into an office. It could be a desk in your bedroom. It might be the kitchen table when it is not being used for eating. Maybe you have a glassed in porch which allows you to use it for three seasons, or four if you have heat in it. You could claim a corner of that room as your area. Maybe your basement level is finished, and you can snatch a corner there to be your writing place. 

Some of the places mentioned in your home could bring problems for a writer. If you have a husband and children at home, it would be difficult to work in peace with the everyday comings and goings of a family. That kitchen table would need to be cleaned off when mealtime rolled around. The downstairs family room would have lots of things going on, so even in a corner, it would be hard for the writer to concentrate. The bedroom? If you share the room with a spouse or partner, they might want the lights out when you are right in the middle of a story. Having an office in your home would be the best, I think. That is where I write, but there was a time when I used the kitchen table, and then moved to a guest bedroom where I set up a card table and my electric typewriter. Yes, it was a long time ago. 

Some writers want to leave their home and write in some other place like the coffee shop mentioned earlier. Some would take their computer to the library and set up a place in a quiet spot there. Others would go to an outdoor cafe in good weather, or in the park on a picnic table. I've seen people in our senior living place who are using their computer in a public space there. One man who writes nonfiction articles on nature is often present in a game room. Some bookstores have small areas with tables and chairs where coffee,tea and more can be ordered. What could be better than to write surrounded by books?

I have written blog posts on my phone when my computer was out for repair. I could find about any place in our home to do that, or even while on a trip with Ken driving and me peck, peck, pecking on my iphone. Writers who also commute on buses or trains might use that time to write on their phones. Use your phone to write while in a doctor's waiting room, then transfer your work to your computer later. 

It doesn't matter where you write. The most important thing is to write! Even so, find the place where you can write that makes you comfortable and does not disturb others. 

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