Monday, December 13, 2021

Writers--Meet Each New Day With Gusto

A few simple words on today's poster--Every day is a fresh start--but so very important as we want to keep our writing world satisfying.

When things go wrong with a writing project, we tend to grunt and growl, even pout a bit. We would much prefer that each piece we write comes out perfect right from the beginning. That's a dream, not reality. 

The craft of writing is fraught with problems to be solved. Are you a problem solver, or are you a stay-in-a-rut kind of writer? If today was a bad day in your writing world, do you get up the next morning with the same dejected feeling?

No matter how difficult your writing world is on Monday, Tuesday brings a fresh start. And Wednesday offers even another beginning. When we meet each new day, we should try to put the problems of the days before away. Start over with a new outlook. 

That's one of the reasons I urge writers to put a first draft on hold for a day or two or more. That story or poem will look altogether different later.

Next time a problem come up in whatever you're writing, put it away. Then meet it again on the next day. It gives you a fresh start, and your writer's eyes may see the piece in a whole new light. 

One important part of greeting each day as a new opportunity is your attitude. Work on making that positive, and the rest will be easier.

Every morning, when you get out of bed, you are given a new day, a new beginning, a fresh start. Meet it with gusto!


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