Tuesday, December 14, 2021

The Daily Blessings of a Writer

Our poster tells us to look for the blessings every day. Try it for a month regarding your writing life. Instead of worrying about what went wrong with your writing efforts each day, toss them aside. At th end of the month, you could feel more positive about your writing life.

Count the blessings that you received each day as you pursued your craft. Granted, there can be days when you're hard put to find the good things. If you go back over your day and look for the pluses, you'll probably be able to find a few. 

For me, one of the blessings in my writing life is that I am able to come up with a new topic for my blog five days a week. Another one is the number of fellow writers I encounter on Facebook on a daily basis.One more is the joy I find in completing a writing project. The acceptances I receive now and then constitute one more blessing. 

At the end of your day, jot down the blessings you found in your writing life that day. Some days, you might only have one, while other days will find your list getting long. No two days are alike, so your list is going to vary day by day.

Note that the poster tells us we must 'look' for those blessings. We need to give thought to them, to uncover them in the least likely places. 

If you write Morning Pages or in a journal, reserve a spot at the top to write the blessings in your writing life that you received that day, or the previous one if you're writing Morning Pages. Thinking about them is not the same as thinking and then writing them somewhere. You might be surprised at how many true blessings there are for you, the writer. 

Why should you keep a record of your blessings? What better pep talk could there be? What better way to inspire you to keep writing? What better way to assess your writing life? What better way to help you look forward to the next day's writing time? 

Will there be days when your blessings count is a big, fat zero? Probably. That is not a problem because the next day you might find half a dozen. Each day in a writer's life is different. If you have a zero day now and then, it's nothing to be concerned about. 

I consider the readers of this blog to be one of my blessings. And definitely the ones who make comments. 


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