Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Writers, Decisions, and Trying

Our poster for today tells us that 'every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.' Sounds pretty simple, doesn't it? I think it depends on who you are. Are you the person who looks forward to new things, or are you the one who looks back at past problems? Which person you are makes a whale of a difference in what you're willing to try.

Writers think about new projects all the time. An idea pops up, they think about it for days or even weeks, and then the decision comes about starting the new writing project. If you are the forward looking person, you'll probably sit down with enthusiasm and write the opening lines. If you're the one who looks back and worries about former problems in your writing life, you will probably keep thinking about the new project but never begin. No opening sentences will be written except in your mind. 

Why do some writers have the hesitancy to try? Fear, self-doubt, no confidence--all of these can be factors. Having a negative attitude about your writing world will also stop you from trying new things. If it goes on for quite a long time, you might even talk yourself into quitting the writing world. To me, that would be a very sad occurrence. 

You should try every new writing project that comes to mind. Many will work out; a few may not. That's quite alright. No one scores 100% in our craft. We win some, we lose some. Think about the successes you've had in writing. What if you had never tried to write that story, or never submitted it to a publication? Think what you might have missed! 

Writers only experience success if they actually write. Make the decision to try. What is the worst that can happen? You might fail. So have a good many other writers. You also could come up with a winning piece, one that leaves you feeling satisfied, or even proud. One that an editor likes and wants to publish. You'll never know if you don't try. So, make that decision and start writing with the hope of accomplishing something grand.


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