Monday, December 27, 2021

Writers, Assessment, and Courage

Our long anticipated Christmas has come and gone. We enjoyed being with family to celebrate more than any gift we received. So different from the quiet, and yes,  somewhat lonely, Christmas of 2020. 

This final week before 2022 comes rolling in is one to do some reflecting on what we have accomplished in our writing world this past year. I am one of those people who do not enjoy the newspapers and tv announcers rehashing all that occurred this past year. I prefer to look ahead, not back at what has come and gone. 

One exception is that I do think it is worthwhile for writers to take a look at what they did, or did not do, in 2020. Here is a list of questions you might ask yourself:

A.  Did I set any writing goals last January?

B.  If so, how many of those goals did I accomplish?

C.  Did I have the courage to venture into unknown territory with my writing?

D.  Did I have the courage to submit more of my work in 2020?

E.  Did I have the courage to revise and submit rejected material again?

F.  Did I make a certain amount of time for writing and stay with my schedule?

G.  Did I have more success with being published than in the prior year?

H.  Did I feel enthusiastic about my writing in 2020?

I.  Do I have unfinished projects?

J.  Am I looking forward to writing more and writing better in 2022?

K. Do I have the courage to work more and with greater intensity this next year?

L. How satisfied am I with my writing accomplishments this past year? 

You may have noticed that the word 'courage' was used in several of the questions in my list. Courage is one trait that all writers should have. Writers must learn to stand up for what they believe. This shows in their writing. Being timid and coming up with wishy-washy writing is not going to advance you on your writing journey. Most of all, writers need to have the courage to believe in themselves as writers. If you do, it shows in your writing, and if you don't, that becomes obvious in your writing, as well. 

Spend some time this week in assessing this last year of writing. We should do this before we start setting our goals for the next year. 


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