Thursday, August 12, 2021

For Wannabe Writers


Normally, I gear my posts here at writers from beginners to pros. Today, I'd like to talk to wannabe writers, and I hope the writers who read this will pass it on to someone who would like to write, but... They are the people who have thought about writing but never got started, the ones who were a bit leery of dipping their toes into the writing pool, and especially those who think they are too old to start writing. 

As our poster for today tells us, you're never too old to set another goal and dream a new dream. Age is nothing but a number. How you feel inside is far more important. Famed artist, Grandma Moses started painting at age 77. Her husband had died, and she was looking for something to fill her time. Little did she know that she would attain fame in the art world.

I wanted to write for most of my life, but I didn't take that first step of my writing journey until I was in my fifties. Was I too old? I wondered but decided not to let it stop me of attaining a long held dream. I felt as though it might be the last piece of a puzzle that showed all I'd done in my lifetime.

The big question then was how to begin. I knew I needed to do more than sit down and write. There is a lot more to being a writer than putting words on paper or in print. I tried a number of things to help me move farther into the writing world. They are listed below:

 Step 1:  I did a little research on a correspondence course school that promised to teach me how to write for children.

Step 2:  I enrolled and began a course that took 18 months. No email in those days for me so the lessons and letters went by snail mail. By the time I'd finished the 10 Lessons in the course, I was hooked for life.

Step 3:  I read every book I could find at the local library about the craft of writing.

Step 4:  I joined a small critique group in our community

Step 5:  I worked up the courage to begin submitting to children's magazines

Step 6:  I learned how to accept rejection and move on to the next project immediately.

Step 7:  I subscribed to newsletters and magazines for writers, joined an online critique group, and joined a writers association

Step 8:  I rejoiced when my first sale occurred, and I kept moving along the path of my writing journey.

I am still traveling that path, although I'm much further along now. I've been writing for over 25 years now and plan to keep going as long as possible.

If you've had the desire to write but have never pursued writing, consider trying now. You'll never know if you like it or if you have some talent until you try. All writers start out with some pretty lame writing, but follow some of those steps above, and you'll get better at this game of writing. Our writing journey is a long one. It has bumps along the way, but we can get over or around them and keep going. 

One of the nicest things about trying something that you've never done before is the fact that you're satisfying a longtime urge. Is it possible that you try writing and discover it's not for you? Yes, it is. It's also very possible that you'll love learning to be a writer. You won't know unless you give it a try.

If you have a certain kind of writing that you'd like to do, go for it. But, do try other genres, as well. I set out to write for children. I have done that, but I also tried other kinds of writing and learned that creative nonfiction is my strongest suit. 

And, by all means, do not ever use the "I'm too old." excuse. You are never too old to attempt something brand new to you. Doctors will tell you that trying something new is a good way to keep your brain in good shape as you get older. So stop being a wannabe writer and jump in. 


Writers--Take Your Time!

  One of the toughest lessons to learn when you first start writing is to take you time. You're eager. You're inspired. You're e...