Thursday, April 29, 2021

Attitude Adjustment for Writers


Mothers and fathers have been known to tell their children that it's time for an attitude adjustment. It usually happens when the child is pouting or crying about some mishap in life. 

There are times on our writing journey that we need to change our attitude, just like the flat tire our poster today mentions. 

How true it is that you cannot go anywhere without changing that flat tire, nor can you make progress in your writing life without changing any bit of bad attitude that has crept into 

your life. We all have times on our writing journey that reflect our inner feelings, the ones that make us feel belligerent or grumpy or depressed. Is there a writer who has never had any of those feelings? I seriously doubt it. Writers hit highs and lows on their writing path. Hopefully, the highs outrank the lows. 

When we do hit the low points, whether from too many rejections or writing projects that peter out after the first great paragraphs, or a story problem that we can't fix, we surely need an attitude adjustment. And who is going to do it for us? No one but you. If you're heaving a big sigh at that, you're most likely not alone. 

What's the fix? Like that flat tire, change your attitude. Easier said than done perhaps. How about starting by accentuating the positives in your writing life. I can list a lot of them, and so can you. Nix the negatives. They only allow you to mire deeper in that muddy outlook. 

Remind yourself why you became a writer. What made you want to be a writer? What part of the writing life did you like? What drove your passion for writing? Whatever your answers, those are the bits and pieces that made you a writer, and they are the ones that should help you change your attitude if it has gotten you down lately.

Should you be like the fictional heroine, Pollyanna, who saw only the good side of everything? It might not be a bad idea to give here outlook on life a try. 

Changing your attitude doesn't happen overnight. It takes time, and you do it step by step. No magic wand to wave. It's you who must convince yourself a little at a time that a new and more positive attitude will lift your writing spirits and help you become a stronger writer. 

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