Tuesday, April 21, 2020

What Shall I Write Anout?

Here we are stuck at home with nothing but time on our hands. That excludes those who are working from home at their day job and write in spare time and also those of you who are home with one or more children. Even if you fall into one of the last two categories, you are finding some writing time,  I hope. 

The big question for all of us is what are we going to write about. We had that same thought even before the pandemic, but it seems highlighted now. Some suggestions below:

1.  How the pandemic has affected your everyday life
2.  Your emotional state during this period 
3.  Activities for children during this stay-at-home time
4.  Activities other than screen time for adults
5.  How to explain what is happening to children
6.  How grocery shopping during the pandemic has changed
7.  Poems dealing with various parts of life during the pandemic
8.  A humorous piece about disinfecting

Different topics unrelated to the pandemic:

1.  Memories of special trips you have taken
2.  Family stories—this is a perfect time to add to what you have or get started if you have not written any before.
3.  How-to articles
4.  Family history—facts and figures, different from family stories
5.  History of your community and local area
6.  Slice of life sketches of people you know
7.  Fiction—short stories or novel
8.  Personal essays
9.  Poetry of any kind
10. Inspirational essays or devotions

Almost all writers have writing topic possibilities swirling in their minds.  Sometimes, there are several swimming like goldfish in a glass bowl.  Now is the time to choose one and get started. 

Many writers are finding it hard to concentrate on writing in this unprecedented time. Try out one of the topics in the lists. I hope that, once you get started, you’ll want to or be able to carry on. 

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