Friday, June 14, 2019

Flirt With Story Ideas, Then Give Them A Try

We flirt with ideas but hold back on taking the first step to fruition. We think about writing dozens of family stories but don't quite get to writing the first one. We have an idea for a short story or even a novel, and we let the ideas swirl around our mind for what is probably far too long. 

Thinking about a writing project is definitely step 1, but actually doing it can be a long haul. Step 2 is making the decision to TRY. Nothing happens if you don't. All those fine ideas began to grow mold in your head. 

What is going to happen if you decide to try one of those held-up writing projects? 
  • You might end up with a winner
  • Writing one family story can open the dam and let you keep writing new family stories
  • Nothing may come of it, but you know you tried
  • It feels good to work on a new project
  • You could feel inspired to go on to other new projects
  • Maybe you've always wanted to write but were fearful; trying opens doors to a new world
  • Perhaps you've always written short things but wanted to try a novel; it could be a whole new world for you. 
  • If you have the first two lines of poem swimming in your brain, try writing it and see what follows. Maybe a whole new poem!
What's so hard about making the decision to try?  It comes down to those old buddies we all know:
fear, doubt, lack of confidence. They might be words here, but in reality, they can haunt us. 

Look yourself in the mirror and make yourself a promise to TRY one of those projects you want to do but just haven't gotten started. Write that first family story or the sixteenth. Write that personal essay that you've thought about for a long time. Add to those first two lines of poetry. Write the first draft, then decide if it's worth pursuing further. You don't want to look in the mirror another day and say I wish I had...


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