Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Weak or Strong? What Kind of Writer Are You?

Sad as it sounds, there are many writers who spend more time thinking about writing than actually applying themselves to the task. 

As writers, we thought long and hard about our desire to be a writer. We pondered the consideration. We dreamed about it. We day-dreamed about the successes we'd have. We talked to others about our dedication to the writing world. 

The problem with some would-be writers is that they spend more time thinking about writing than actually sitting before the keyboard, striking keys with fingers to create words, paragraphs and full pages. 

Let's face it. Thinking about writing and all its glories is a whole lot easier than actually doing it.  The more we dream about what might happen, the longer it is going to take us to commit to the real writing, that putting pen to paper, fingers to keyboard.

What about the writer who does write, submit, and is published? Should he/she bask in the glory for a day, a week, a month or even longer? The more time that slides by, the less likely that writer is going to write something new. I think a majority of writers, especially the newbies, have day jobs and pursue writing as a second vocation. They don't feel pushed to repeat the cycle of 'write, submit, be published' nearly as much as the person who is working full time as a freelance writer. Those writers push themselves because food on the table depends on it. Those writers never stop writing or submitting. They ride the submission Ferris wheel on a regular basis.

Our quote today has two keywords. Both drive and desire have a great deal to do with the kind of writer you will be. If those two traits are weak, you're going to be a weak writer. If they are strong, you will write often and with passion. Give some honest thought to which kind of writer you are and which kind you would like to be. I think the answer to being a strong writer is pretty clear.  


  1. This was a strong blog! Yes, a person who is hungry is more likely to be working for food.

  2. Thanks for the inspiration, WriterGranny. Since the car accident, I have never been able to recollect and write. I don't know the whole story. Mom knew as much as anyone. She passed on in 2015. I am drudging along, into the wind. With little, or not chorus to lessen my struggle with the actuality of the event. I have tried to force the issue, but the unknowns continue to be there, inhibiting my every attempt. That is why I want a coauthor. But, I cannot find one. The incident was in late January of 1983, and no one remembers it. Not even me l especially not me. Thanks for all your help. ~Jim

    1. It's only my opinion, but perhaps you are better not remembering. Live for today and the next one. One of my favorite sayings is "Don't look back. That's not where you're going." I mean this with all due respect.

  3. I love this. It's so true. I've always wondered if I have enough fire in my belly because it goes in and out, depending on what's happening in my life. I'm finally at a point where I know I need to honor my innate need to put something out there. Thank you for the inspiration!

    1. I'm so pleased the post gave you some inspiration. Wishing you the best in further writing.


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