Friday, July 6, 2018

Do You Know Why You Write?

I firmly believe you can only be a writer if you love the act of writing. If you listed all the reasons people write, this would be number 1 on my list. 

My List of Reasons People Write:
  1. love writing
  2. an internal urge
  3. a dream of being published
  4. someone pushed them into it
  5. to earn a living
  6. fame
  7. recognition
  8. word people
  9. to prove they can do it
  10. to offer something to others
Go through the list. How many apply to you? Which one would you list as your top choice? 

The poster today makes number 1 the most important one, just as I did. The part about becoming famous or making a lot of money should be side benefits to the deep love you have for writing. 

If you're in this game only for the fame and earnings, I think your writing is going to lack something that people who love to write have. Those who have a real passion for writing allow it to emerge through the words they string together to create a story or essay.

Later this month, I am going to have a series of posts written by Guest Bloggers on the topic of why they write. I'm looking forward to learning what reasons they all have in common and some that perhaps only one of the group will give. 

Give some thought today to the reasons that you write. Put them in any order or list them as which ones are your top priorities. You may have others to add to the ten I shared with you. 


  1. 10. to offer something to others

    I like writing, but it has become more difficult for me since the car wreck. People and doctors have died and taken their portions of the story with them. If I cannot record the story, it will be lost forever. Everything changes from moment to moments. I have difficulties expressing myself and staying true to the main theme ; especially after all the years since 1983. So, maybe I can offer my experiences for someone else to compare with.

  2. since I was a teenager, I've loved words and writing. Writing is soulful for me..can't explain what that means. It's more than just an feels like the reason I'm here.

  3. Read the posts from July 16 through 19 to see why writers write...


Writers Helping Writers

Today's poster is meant to bring a smile. Something that brings a smile to people is when we help one another. I've seen a lot of th...