Thursday, June 7, 2018

Renewing Inspiration To Write

Typography wall art that makes a great gift for any writer. Victor Hugo typewriter art.  "A writer is a world trapped in a person."

I like the Victor Hugo quote above. It's framed and for sale at Etsy. It caught my eye because I had recently heard from three writer friends who say they are having trouble finding inspiration to write. They have all been successful writers in the past. 

What happened? It's hard to say when we are such individuals but that 'world' mentioned above can definitely get trapped inside a person. Maybe it's burn out. Maybe it's lack of creative motivation. Maybe it's being bored with writing the same kind of thing over and over. 

I fear that the longer a person stays away from writing, the more difficult it is to return to it with the kind of passion a writer has at the beginning and at the height of a career. 

So, how does an uninspired writer find the motivation they need to pump up their writing passion again? No one thing will work for all people. You might need to try several things before you hit on one that works. 

Take a break:  Too much of anything can turn us off. There is nothing wrong in taking a break from your writing life. Go on a mini-vacation or a great big one. It's possible that the places you go, the things you see and do will bring up a fountain of inspiration. Don't go searching for it. Let it happen naturally. If it does, great. If it doesn't, don't despair. Move on.

Talk to other writers:  Gather a small group of writers or just call one writer friend and meet for lunch. Talk about your problem and ask his/her opinion. If they are enthusiastic, it could trigger some of your own. It's always better to talk about a problem than to keep it bottled up inside. 

Attend a writing conference:  I have been inspired to write at every conference I've ever gone to, be it big or small. The workshop speakers are there to teach but also to inspire. Inspiration floats through the air at writing conventions. It's up to you to reach out and grab a handful.

Read a book about writing:  Not guaranteed to inspire but it could. Especially if you select a book that offers a part of the writing world that interests you. 

Freewrite Exercises:  You know the drill. Find a word by pointing a finger in a book. Freewrite at your keyboard for a full ten minutes without stopping. Let it all flow from your subconscious. You may end up with drivel but you might hit on something that will inspire you to write more. I have done so many a time in my online writing group. Victor Hugo says that we writers are a 'world trapped in a person.' Our job is to let that world emerge through the words we write.

Be aware of your surroundings:  When you go out for a walk, use a watchful eye. Go to a social event and keep an ear and eye tuned to what people say and do. Inspiration pops up in the strangest places. 

Switch genres:  Is it possible you are bored with writing in the same vein all the time? Try something entirely new. An excellent fiction writer can switch to creative nonfiction with some comfort. They use fiction techniques but are telling a true story. Never written any poetry? Give it a try. You might get excited over being able to say a lot in a few words. 

These are only a few things you can do to renew your desire to write. The words desire to write are key here. Ask yourself how much you truly want to continue your writing life. If the desire is still there, you'll find a way to share the world trapped inside you with readers.  Go for it!


  1. Nancy: What a fantastic, concise message. Great advice! I hadn't heard Victor Hugo's words of wisdom until today. So true! On your above list is going to a conference. I hear Salina, KS, will be hosting a Kansas Authors Club conference some time in October. Is that correct? Thanks again, Jim

    1. Yes, the conference is Oct 5-7 in Salina. Check the KAC website for info. Hope you'll consider coming. Guess who is Convention Chair?


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