Friday, June 8, 2018

Loss and Family Stories

Image result for free clipart of family gatherings

This is a short post today as my heart is heavy but I still have a message to bring to my loyal readers. It has been nice to acquire a few new Followers recently. Many more read than Follow but the Followers seem a bit like a Blog Family. 

It's no secret that I push writing family stories any chance I get. Right now, I am so thankful that I have written so many of my own and there are several more swirling through my mind begging to be written and included in my family stories section of the binders where I keep hard copies of all my writing. 

Three months ago today, I lost a younger brother. He had health issues but death was not imminent. He went to bed one night and never woke up. A peaceful death, one we might all wish for when it is our time. Still, it was a shock to our family. He was almost 8 years younger than I.

On May 13th, Mother's Day, another brother called me from Phoenix with shocking news. His wife had died suddenly and unexpectedly. She was his caregiver as he had many health issues. On May 23rd, he ended up in ICU with multiple problems which continued. His already weakened condition would not allow his body to fight. He passed away last night. He was 4 years younger than I. His two children are now dealing with the death of both parents in less than a month's time. 

To lose 3 close family members in a mere three months is overwhelming. Memories are flitting through my mind of our growing up days, of weddings and family gatherings when we were adults. 

Families are not perfect. We have our occasional grudges and gripes about siblings but, as the image above says, the roots are deep and strong. Despite those "I'm gonna tell Mom!" statements we all made to a sibling, our love for one another runs as deep as those family roots. When illness and death appear, we suddenly realize how very much we do love our siblings, our parents, aunts and uncles and cousins. Tell them while you can.

Write those family stories now. Share them with present and future family members. Don't put it off. No one knows how much time we have left with one another. I am the oldest of 4 but I never dreamed I'd be dealing with the loss of two younger brothers in such a short time, as well as my sister-in-law. I will continue to write the family stories for their children and grandchildren.

Image may contain: one or more people and text


  1. Dear Nancy,

    My heart hurts for you! Thank you for the reminder in your post. Sending loads of hugs and loving thoughts

  2. How wise you'v been, Nancy, in writing your family stories and what a gift to the family and your readers. Now my heart goes out to you, Ken, and all the family. Whether death is expected or not, there's no good way to say goodbye to those we love. Hugs to you.


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