Monday, February 27, 2012

Decison Time? Could Be!

All we have to decide is what to do with the time given us."  J.R.R. Toliken

I saw the quote above on someone's facebook page. It made me stop and ponder a bit. I

find an amazing number of interesting, thoughtful, and inspirational items on facebook. It's  

not a waste of time, as some would have you believe. Like all things, you can choose how 

much you want to look at or respond to. But back to the quote.

A few simple words, but look at the assignment it gives you. Not an easy one. The keyword 

here is decide. I can't do it for you. Your spouse cannot decide for you, even though you 

might like him/her to do so. Your friends can't do it because they know only surface parts of

you as a person. 

You are given 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 52 weeks in a year. Will you fritter

them away with nonproductive activities? Or are you going to fill the hours, days and weeks

with something that will help you grow as a person, be of benefit to others, and also be

satisfying to you? 

As writers, we have to make the same kind of decision. What are we going to do with the

amount of writing time we have? Are we going to fill it with nonsense? Are we

going to keep on writing the same kind of story over and over because it's working so why

step outside our comfort zone? Are we going to boldly step outside that comfort zone and

try something new? Are we going to use some of it to increase our knowledge of this craft?

Will we fill our specified writing time with actually writing something? Or will we clean up

the area around our computer, dust the keyboard or some other task to delay the writing


The statement above sounds so simple, but we know it is not an easy task. Still it's up to

you to choose the path you want to travel in your writing world. The road may not be as

smooth as you'd like. In fact, there might be some major detours along the way, but if

you stay on it, you're likely to meet some success now and then. 

Decide what you want to do with the writing time given to you, or better put--the writing

time you make within your busy life. Toss in a bit of determination, and you're on your



  1. You found the perfect blog entry for today, Nancy. I was curious to see what you would come up with. Enjoyed it! ~Maria

  2. There's always something to write about. I just don't always know what it will be far ahead. :)

  3. After reading this post, I feel inspired to get busy.


Have You Found Your Writer's Voice?

  (A former post that still has good information for the writer) When I was a newbie writer, I asked a writer friend to look at a couple chi...