Monday, January 9, 2012

Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone

I'm home from my Cotton Bowl adventure, still feeling sad about K-State's loss, but awfully proud of our team for getting there after a super season. But today, it's time to slip back into my writing world. 

I shared with you several days ago that my critique group had suggested setting some goals for this year. I'm still pondering on what I am going to put on my list, but one that is going at the top is Step Out Of My Comfort Zone

There are a fewl publications that have used my stories and essays a number of times. When I have a new story, they often come to mind first when I start the marketing process. My foot is well into the door at these places. They know me. They know my writing.. They know I'm not a problem to work with. Positives for both sides. And it's comfortable.You might also say it's safe as odds are in my favor when I submit to these publications. 

I'm not being fair to myself by sticking to these few publications. Oh sure, I do submit to others and get both acceptances and rejections. It's time to expand my circle and reach higher on the ladder. It's my year to submit to publications that are more competitive. There will most likely be more rejections, but if there are a few acceptances, it will be worthwhile. There may be days I look like the guy at the top of this post, but other days might find me smiling over a success..

It's stressful to step outside our comfort zones. It's also a bit scary, but this year I'm going to give it a try. How about you? Are you satisfied or is it time to take a deep breath and plunge into unknown waters? I hope you'll try ti. The rewards could be magnificent.

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