Friday, November 18, 2011

Color Me Blushing!

OK, I blew it! Yep, I missed reminding you to observe National I Love To Write Day. Only missed it by 3 days, but I did miss it! Did you celebrate without me? Or did you forget, too? If you did, you and I can still celebrate today.

For the uninitiated, this annual day, set aside to recognize the joy and importance of writing, started as a grass roots movement by Delaware author, John Riddle. His aim has been to bring an awareness of the benefit of writing to people around our nation, especially children in school. November 15th is the day he selected.

Now, in the tenth year, more and more schools (20,000 last year) are promoting National I Love To Write Day and this year, nine states issued proclomations to do the same. It's not a day meant to encourage only professional writers but to inspire all people to spend some time writing.

There are myriad forms of writing which can be accomplished on November 15th. You might write an essay, a story, an article, a profile of someone you admire, or a letter to someone you know.  It could be a poem or a letter to the editor of a newspaper. You could write a simple paragrpah about anything. But write!

With the greater and  greater school participation, more materials were needed. So, now there is a book to encourage children to write. The I Love To Write Book is a specialty book that can be used year around but especially on November 15th.

I'm going to circle the date on my 2012 calendar so that it doesn't slip by me next year. I'm one who takes every opportunity to promote writing. Color me blushing!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, please remind us next year because I'm one of those uninitiated. I just don't pay attention to all those "National Day of..." announcements but this one sounds worthwhile.


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