Friday, July 15, 2011

Visit Your Library

Some people use libraries on a regular  basis while others never darken the doorway.  I'm a big fan of public libraries and always have been. My family didn't have extra money to purchase books, but my mother made sure I had a library card as soon as I could print my nmae on the application card. I've been grateful for that early introduction ever since.

As a young girl, I used the public library and the school library continuously because I was an avid reader. Still am! And I still use my public library frequently. I do purchase books, but I'm a fast reader and always have a book in process, so the library is still attractive to me.

It's one of the first places I visit when moving to a new community. When I married Ken, I'd only been in our new town two days when I ventured forth to the library. The unpacking could wait, but I needed to find my book-lending place. I did the same when we moved after our children came along. Before a week in the new place passed by, we were library visitors, scoping out all it had to offer both kids and  their parents.

I've served on the board of a Friends group at our library and also on the Library Board of Trustees. I promote library events to others in our community whenever possible.

For those who have not been regular library patrons--I know you have your reasons. But make a point of visiting your local library. Don't just walk through it. Talk to a librarian and ask what services are offered. You most likely will come away surprised that libraries today are not only about books.

Visit a library today. Use  it, promote it to others, and appreciate it. I shudder to thik what life would be like if city governments suddenly axed funding the public library. In poor econmic times like we have now, library usage goes up. You cead an essay I wrote last year about library services.


  1. Nancy, I am right there with you about the library. In our early years, I would always find the libraries and bread outlet stores whenever we moved to a new place. I was a happy camper when they were located. I figured I could survive. Several years ago I was fortunate to have a part time job working in one of our library branches. I was in heaven. I taught during the day and then ran off to the library two evenings a week and all day on Saturday. Now that I'm retired from teaching, I am looking to work part time again at a library or bookstore. I love being around books and people who enjoy reading. Thanks for your post. It triggered some warm memories.

  2. I think if you love books, you want to be around them as much as possible. For me, a library or a bookstore is a comforting place.


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