Wednesday, August 25, 2010

On A Poetry Kick Again

Every now and then, I get an urge to write poetry. Over the years, I've learned to listen to urges like that. My muse speaks loud and clear at times, while other times she's off taking a nap in some corner of my house. I can call and call to her, and she sleeps blissfully on. But when she wakes and begins to whisper sweet things to me, we're a formidable team.

When we were in France a few weeks ago, we visited Monet's House and Garden in Giverny, an hour and a half north of Paris. It's located in the heart of France's dairy country. The garden proved to be one of the most enchanting places I've been. I almost resented having to share it with other tourists. I wanted to be there all alone to savor the countless colorful blooms and green plants, shrubs and trees, as well as the famed lily pond Monet created.

The visit has been on my mind ever since we returned, so I knew I wanted/needed to write about it. But what? Would it be a travel essay? An article for a garden publication? Or a poem? Poem kept coming back to me while I emptied the dishwasher, folded laundry or watered the patio pots. It seems writers minds are never far away from writing.

The poem turned out to be a prose/poem that has several verses. I subbed it to my critique group to get a reaction and see what suggestions for improvement they might offer. The response proved to be helpful as I had a good number of critiques. Every one had good things to say and they also had suggestions where a word here and there bothered them. They suggested adding a bit more sensory detail.

Last night, I worked on the poem incorporating many of the suggestions given. I'm going to read it again this morning and see how it strikes me. Most likely, I'll change a few more words or lines before I'm satisfied and can call it finished. Once it's done, I may start working on a travel essay about Monet's Garden. I'm having a hard time letting go of this highlight of our visit to France. If you'd like to know more about Monet's Garden, go to

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