Thursday, January 23, 2014

Introducing A New Memoir Anthology

One volume of four

Yesterday, I featured the womens memoirs website that Matilda Butler and Kendra Bonnett run for writers and readers. Their newest project is an anthology titled Seasons of Our Lives which includes four volumes, one for each season of our year. 

You'll find 25 stories in each one that were winners in the memoir contests run by these two fine editors and teachers. Yes, teachers because they are both so keen to help writers become better writers. 

I am pleased that I have two stories in the series. A Special Sibling is in the Spring book. It's a story dear to my heart and a very special memory. The summer book is the one that has my story Driving With Dad. Sounds like it might be about driving lessons, but it isn't. 

The four books are ebooks and can be ordered at Here are the links to each book at Amazon. Click on the book cover to look inside, read the intro and table of contents and a sample story in each one.

Each ebook sells for $3.99, can be downloaded to your Kindle and there is also a way to download directly to your computer. More on that later. On Saturday, February 1st, the books will go on a special sale--99 cents each for 53 hours. The price increases by $1 for each of the next 53 hours.

For those who do not have kindles, you can download these books onto your tablet, pc etc. Go here to learn how. It's pretty simple.

Two short reviews by an expert in the memoir field: 
What gems! These memoir vignettes pull us into and delight us with the rich stories of women’s lives. I literally couldn’t put the book down. Each story highlights a facet of life that speaks to our shared humanity. I found myself recalling moments from my own life and thinking, “It’s time to start writing my life stories!”

The beauty of this anthology is that the editors Matilda Butler and Kendra Bonnett have written “takeaways” at the end of each story to help budding memoir writers. These mini-lessons are a gold mine of tips and advice.  

I believe that in telling our stories we illuminate the world one voice at a time. “Seasons of Our Lives” has made my world glow a little brighter. --Dan Curtis award-winning documentary filmmaker, personal historian, and founder/coordinator of Victor Hospice's "Life Stories"

"It is true that each woman is a story waiting to be told—and in this outstanding collection of memoirs you’ll find many wonderful women’s stories. It is also true that each woman’s story is everywoman’s story, for we share so many of the same experiences. As I read these stories [in Seasons of Our Lives], I am reading bits and pieces from my own life, and I am inspired to write my own with a more passionate and compassionate heart. I hope you are, too." ~Susan Wittig Albert, NYT bestselling author of China Bayles mysteries, Writing from Life, Together, Alone: Memoir, and other books  

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