Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Have You Found Your Writer's Voice?


(A former post that still has good information for the writer)

When I was a newbie writer, I asked a writer friend to look at a couple children's stories I had written to see if she could give me some tips or point out major errors. After she'd read the stories, we got together one afternoon, and over a cup of tea, the first thing she said about my writing was, "You have found your voice." 

I looked at her and wasn't sure what to say. Voice? What the heck was that? Being so new to this world, I hesitated to ask her for an explanation. She went on to point out things in the stories. I did learn more later on about what a writer's voice is. 

The important thing is to find your own voice. You don't want to mimic another writer's voice. 

A simple explanation of voice is that your voice as a writer is your style. It's the way you put words together in sentences, or in paragraphs. Elements of voice are word selection, writing structure, and pace. Every person is unique, as is every writer. The way I put words together should not be the same as you. 

Other parts of your voice are the way you allow emotions and feelings to come through. Also, your tone and rhythm, perhaps even patterns in the way you arrange words. 

Our writing voice lets our personality come through to the reader. 

Think about a handful of authors whose books you enjoy. Don't they each have a different writing style? Some are slow paced, while others race through the story, and you're right there with them. Some put long descriptions in their stories while others make do with a few adjectives here and there to give you a sense of place or let you 'see' the scene better. If you have a list of favorite authors, give some thought as to why their work appeals to you. What is it about their style of writing that makes you want more? The story itself is of prime importance, but so is the writer's voice. 

I've mentioned an author by the name of Charles Todd before. He (actually a mother/son writing team) has a series about a young detective at Scotland Yard, set in the early years after WWI in England. The stories move at a slow pace, but new bits and pieces keep me reading. The writer's voice comes through clearly, and stays consistent in each ensuing novel. I find that most interesting since the author is two people writing as one. 

Don't try to be John Grisham or Nora Roberts. Find your own voice. Write as only you can write. Be yourself. If you want to read about your writing voice in more detail, use a search engine and read several articles. 

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