Sunday, October 13, 2024

An Exercise to Set Your Writer's Voice Free

 The members of my online writing group are offered a freewriting exercise each week. A word is chosen at random, sometimes by opening a book and pointing at a word on the page. Other times, someone selects a series of connecting words for the month, such as the four seasons. 

What do we do with 'the word'? The exercise calls for the writer to start writing without stopping. Anything that comes to mind for ten minutes. It can also be done using fifteen-or- twenty-minute time slots. The important thing is to keep writing, no stopping to think, just let the words flow as your fingers fly over the keyboard (or pencil on paper). Nothing has to connect, and sometimes it ends up mere drivel. Other times, we find a golden nugget.

Many of us have ended up with the bones of an essay or story through this exercise. It's a good way to warm-up before you begin whatever project you're working on. Today's poster tells us that a freewriting exercise will 'set your writer's voice free.'

There are many writers who shun writing exercises. The thinking is that they don't do anyone any good and waste good writing time. After reading so many of my fellow writers results of the freewriting exercise, I can see the benefit that can result. I also note it in the ones I have written. Our subconscious kicks in, and it's sometimes amazing what results. 

Give the exercise a try using the words listed below:

A. reminiscent

B. brother

C. school

D. storm

E. baby

F. train

G. circus

There are seven words listed above, one for each day of your week. As an alternative, you can open a book or magazine, close your eyes and point to a word. If the word is something like 'is or the' take the one before or after. 

One of the best essays I've written emerged from a freewriting exercise. 

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An Exercise to Set Your Writer's Voice Free

  The members of my online writing group are offered a freewriting exercise each week. A word is chosen at random, sometimes by opening a bo...