Friday, February 16, 2024

Writing Brings Blessings

Today's poster tells us to look for the blessings of each day. We can relate that advice to our writing life, as well.

For some reason, we seem to allow the more difficult times of our writing world to take precedence over the good parts. Why do we want to drag ourselves down with wallowing in our problems? Perhaps it's one of the human failings we all must deal with. 

Wouldn't it be better to remind ourselves of the many pluses in our writing life? How about making a list of the blessings, or good things? I've made a list below. Check the ones that apply to you and add any others I may have missed. 

A. The many people my words have reached

B. The people I have met through my writing, both writers and readers

C. The knowledge I have gained through reading about writing

D. All I've gleaned from the workshops and conferences I've attended

E. The growth I've seen in my writing over the years

F.  The joy I feel when my writing is published

G. The satisfaction I get when a writing project is completed

Isn't it better to dwell on the components of this list rather than the late hours you've used to write, or the multiple rejections, or the problem of making a story work and so many more negative parts of our writing life. 

Today, dwell on the blessings in your writing life. Doing so might give you a lift, make you smile, and encourage you to write something new. 

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