Tuesday, February 28, 2023

This Writer is Making Some Changes


I've been thinking about something since the beginning of the year and trying to make a decision. I've been writing this blog for 14 1/2 years, and I've pondered on taking a new slant instead of the daily Monday to Friday blog post. I've also thought about quitting 100%, but that's not who I am.

Blogger, my server, is not as friendly as it once was. They stopped sending the posts to subscribers, so that meant finding a service to do so. I did find one, and now it is increasing the fee. I thought about using a different server, but all that I looked at had some kind of drawback. Many of the so-called 'free' ones are not actually free. Free to set up, but then charge a monthly or annual fee. Some add up to quite a bit in a year's time. The mail service costs have also gone up. 

Another reason I've decided to take a different route is that I find myself addressing the same topics over and over, even though I try to take a different slant. The stats on Blogger show that I have written 3, 371 posts over the years. Each one has several hundred words. That's a whole lot of words! I have been concerned that readers are finding repetition too often, and I don't like that situation at all. 

I started Writer Granny's World Blog because I wanted to give tips and encouragement to other writers. I was a former teacher, and the teacher part of me wanted to be of some service to those interested in the writing craft. I wanted to be of assistance to the newbie writers, as well.

Writing and managing the blog also cuts into my personal writing time. I would like to increase my output in that department. 

I've come to a compromise with myself that will hopefully be of some interest to my readers, as well. Instead of posting on Blogger and Facebook pages five days a week, I will write an occasional post and put it on three Facebook pages. My personal page where I have Friends and Writing Friends, Kansas Authors page, and my writer Facebook page. Some weeks it might be once, and others twice. Some weeks none at all. As time and mood allow.

My blog posts will not be coming to your inbox after today. If any of my subscribers would like to continue reading my posts, go to Facebook and put NancyJulienKopp,Writer in the Search box. Sign on as a Follower or as Add Friend, whichever pops up. 

I have so enjoyed being a blogger these many years, but I feel it is time for a change for me, and for my readers. Thank you for the many nice comments received through the years. I wish you all Good Writing!


  1. I have so enjoyed your helpful, optimistic posts. Look for me to sign on over at Facebook

    1. Thank you so much for your comment. It pleases me very much that you will continue reading my posts on my Writer Facebook page.

  2. Have you thought of moving your blog to wix?

  3. Here is the wix link: https://www.wix.com/mystunningwebsites/illustration?utm_source=affiliate&utm_medium=paid_referral&utm_campaign=af_58@thenerdseries.com/&experiment_id=cake_129572803^20

    1. Thank you. I did look into wix and a few others.

  4. I will miss you, but I understand. Good luck in your new endavours

  5. Thank you for your comment. It's greatly appreciated.

  6. Good for you for shaking up your writing routine, Nancy! You have created an archive of wonderful posts on writing. I hope you plan to leave them here, or perhaps turn them into a book one day. Look forward to seeing where this takes you. More time for writing! Thanks for freely sharing your words and wisdom with Kansas Authors Club members. Our organization is better with you as a member.


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