Winter Day
I have a Call for Submissions for poets today. The Southern Arizona Press publishes poetry anthologies which each have a different theme. The theme for the current one is The Wonder of Winter. They are looking for submissions through November 15th.
Their submission page ( http://www. current-submissions ) gives the guidelines which are fairly simple. Note that they do not want holiday themed poetry for this issue--strictly winter poems. Publication date is early December.
Besides your poem, you are asked to send a short (200 words max) bio and a photo. Note that they ask that you attach your poem. Probably a good idea to attach the photo, as well. I added the bio to my cover letter.
I had a poem in an earlier anthology put out by this Press with the theme of Dragonflies and Fairies. I've submitted one winter poem today. If you scroll down the Submissions page, you'll find the themes listed for the next few anthologies they plan to print.
Scroll through your files to see if you have a poem you can submit for the winter themed book, or write a new one. You have over three weeks to the deadline. No already published poems.
Yesterday's topic was on finding markets for prose writers, but much of the information there is the same for poets. Use your favorite search engine, or more than one, to find markets for poetry. Use keywords like 'Submissons for Poetry' or "places to submit poetry.'
A word of caution: You may find Vanity publishers in the list. They are happy to publish any poem by any person, then create a book. Next, you are asked to purchase the book. They are out to make money first and foremost. They publish almost all poems, no matter the quality. Any poet who has submitted their work for publication is more than likely aware of this type of publishing, but some newer to the field are not.
I think it is more difficult to find publishers for your poetry than for prose. Plus many pay either a very small amount or nothing. You won't get wealthy selling your poetry. It's a shame, as many readers enjoy poetry books or individual poems. Don't let it stop you from writing poetry.
There are also contests for poets. Again, check via a search engine with keywords like 'contests for poets' or 'poetry contests.' Most of these have cash prizes, although a few offer only publication.
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