Friday, October 7, 2022

Chicken Soup Is Looking for Stories

 Every now and then, I go to to check on the possible book titles that are in the planning stages. These are the books for which the editors are seeking stories. Go to the bottom of the page and click on Submit your Story. You will find yourself on the Possible Book Topics page.

Keep in mind that they receive way more stories than they can use, so what you submit must shine, must elicit emotion from the reader, must be an awakening of some sort. Don't pick a topic and dash off a story about something that happened to you. Revise and edit until your story becomes stronger and better with each editing process. Only the best will make it. Don't let that discourage you. Instead, let it inspire you to climb to the mountain top. 

Don't forget that poems are also acceptable. You'll find only a few in the many Chicken Soup for the Soul books. Poems must follow the same guidelines as the stories. The poem must tell a true story with a beginning, a middle, and an ending. Not so easy, but poets should give it a try. 

The books and deadlines that are current are as follows:

A. Angels and Miracles  Deadline February 28, 2023 There are many small miracles and actions that can only be attributed to an angel's help. These stories don't have to detail major miracles, just the everyday ones. 

B. Funny Stories  Deadline October 15, 2022  Better hurry with this one. The deadline is only a week away. 

C. How Stepping Outside My Comfort Zone Changed Me  Deadline December 15, 2022  Self-confidence and determination might play a role in stories for this book. 

D. Miracles  Deadline February 28, 2023   I would think that the stories from the angel book could overlap here. Again, it doesn't have to be a monumental miracle; we have many small miracles in life, too.

E. The Power of Positive Thnking  Deadline December 15, 2022 

Note that there are only five books listed. Often there are seven or eight. There are still a variety of choices for your stories. 

Beneath each book title, you'll find a short paragraph letting you know what the editors are looking for. And also a list of possible topics. It will be to your advantage to read each part.

On the left hand top of the page, there is a menu, click on Guidelines and also Submissions FAQ. I cannot stress enough how important this step is. Without studying the guidelines and reading those FAQ lines, you decrease your chances of being selected. Note that I did not say to 'read' them. You need to study so that you can keep the guidelines in mind as you write. When your story is completed, go back to the guidelines and check to see if your story follows what the editors are asking. 

Finally, when everything is done to your satisfaction, clik on Submit Your Story and fill out the form given. Send your story on its way. This anthology series does not send rejection letters. Usually, you will hear from them about being short-listed about two months after the story deadline. If it goes much past that and you have not heard, you'll know your story was not selected. Time to move on.

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