Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Don't Set Limits For Your Writing


Sometimes we are our own worst enemy. We place limits on ourselves when we should be plunging ahead. 

Plunge ahead? Yes. Why? Because if you draw a line in your writing life and refuse to venture across it, you'll stay right where you were when you drew that line. You are telling yourself that you shouldn't venture farther into the writng world. Perhaps you're afraid. Many writers do live with fear. Nothing to be ashamed of. 

Instead, you need to sit down and have a talk with yourself to figure out why you have fear about writing or submitting. Lots of writers can write again and again, but when it comes to submitting their work for publication, they cringe. The only thing that might happen is that your work will be rejected, and if it does, consider yourself one of thousands of people who are in that group. You can even puff out your chest and say, "I got rejected, so I must be a writer!" 

You're not alone. Other writers face fears as they write. The lack of self-confidence brings on fear. Are you in some kind of writing group? Have you ever had a compliment on something you've written from someone in the group? Maybe about one paragraph, or even one phrase. Or the entire piece. If you have, move your confidence level up one notch. Writers progress bit by bit. We don't become overnight sensations. 

Don't set limits. Instead, set your goals and work towards them a little at a time. Cliche or not, Rome wasn't built in a day, fits here. We make progress a little at a time but only if we allow ourselves to make a few errors and continue writing on a regular basis. 

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