Monday, June 20, 2022

Should Writers Strive for 100%?


Writers must give 100% every day. That's a pretty bold statement. I doubt if very many writers give that amount each and every time they sit down to write. Or when they look for markets. Or when they are searching for inspiration. 

In a perfect world with perfect writers, 100% would be the norm. But, our world and our writing world seldom reach perfection. Nor do we as writers. There are days when we come close, and we should feel very satisfied about that.

Do forgive yourself if there are days when you can't give that percentage because you don't feel well, or life situations intervene. There will always be times when it's impossible to give that much to our writing world, but try to move on and get back on track as soon as possible.

So, how do we strive and reach that 100% mark? Setting small goals is one way. If we make our writing world goals huge, we're more than likely not going to reach them. Then, we get frustrated and discouraged. Definitely not a 100% situation. Instead, make a series of small goals. It's a lot easier to give your all when achievement is possible and in sight. 

Something else we can do is to have an attitude adjustment. Those writers who think positive are going to have better days than the ones who are down on themselves. If you think you can write a certain story or essay, you're much more likely to do so. 

Work at finding inspiration to start a new writing project. Inspiration doesn't always walk up and tap us on the shoulder. We have to create inspiration a good deal of the time. We need to put ourselves in positions where we can find inspiration. The reclusive writer is not going to find it very easily. The ones who mingle with others and put themselves in a social setting will be more likely to find a new topic and the energy to write it. Even going for a walk by yourself can bring inspiration, unless you walk with your head down, oblivious to the sights and sounds around you. I attended a zoom meeting yesterday with three other women. In the course of our conversation, there were several times that I thought about story ideas or felt inspiration of some kind. It's there, but it's up to us to recognize it and utilize it. 

Work at those three things--set small goals, make an attitude adjustment, and look for inspiration. Make strides in each of the trio, and you'll be well on your way to increasing what you give to your writing world. 

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