Tuesday, March 1, 2022

When Writers Greet a New Month


My calendars are changed to this third month of the year. Our poster shows crocus, one of the earliest flowers of spring. Cheerful yellow and sometimes  a lovely lavender shade.  They sometimes peek at us from a snowy ground. Not here in Kansas today. It's going to be a no-jacket-needed day for us. 

What are your writing world goals for this month? As for me, I plan to make some submissions. We all know that nothing gets published unless it is submitted. I am going to be fully involved at my online writing group. I will resurrect a couple old stories in my files. Those three objectives should keep me plenty busy along with posting here five days a week.

Are you going to tackle a new writing project in March? Do you have an outline? Or will you be a pantster--writing by the seat of your pants not knowing what the end will be until you get there? You'll let the story carry you from beginning to end. Neither one is the preferable way. Do whatever works for you. 

Will you meet with a writer friend any time in March? Or write to one, sharing thoughts and ideas? I did that yesterday. My friend responded almost immediately. It's always a lift to hear from a friend who understands the writing life, can relate wholly, and even commiserate when needed. 

Are you going to attend a conference or workshop in March? Perhaps you will take an online class on some phase of writing. There are a lot of good ones available. Google 'online writing class' to see if any appeal to you. They vary in length and price. 

Are there any contests coming up that interest you? Should you be polishing up an entry before the deadline arrives? Should you do a little online research on what contests are running now, marking the ones that interest you?

Are you going to catch up on some of those writing-related newsletters that come tripping into your inbox, then lay there because you tell yourself you will read it 'later?' I find that if I leave reading them til later, it turns into a very long time before I start reading. I try to read each one within a day or two. Which brings another thought--don't subscribe to more than you can handle. So many sound great, but if you have a large number, it's quite likely you won't read any of them. Don't get trapped this way.

How about those files you planned to clean up in January but didn't get to it? March would be a good time to tackle that task. 

The beginning of each new month is a fine time to make an assessment of your writing world. Take a little time today to think over the points above. Then get started. There are a full 31 days this month. Make use of each and every one.

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