Tuesday, March 22, 2022

The Writer and Time Management

 We are all given 24 hours each and every day. What we do with it is up to us. Some things leave us no choice, as you might be required to spend a certain number of hours at your job or at school, or doing a volunteer job. Then, there's the family time, the housework, grocery shopping, and cooking time. And we certainly need some down time to relax a bit. All of the above eats up the hours in a hurry. 

If you're a professional writer, you carve out a number of hours each day to write. It's your job, But, if you are a part-time writer, or even a hobbyist writer, you need to find time in your busy days to write. Intentions are good, but they often go astray. 

If you need to find time in your life to devote to writing, you must plan for it just as you would another important part of your life. You might have to give up those evening tv shows you like to watch. You might need to turn down a few social invitations. Not all, but some. The time is there, but it's up to you to capture it.

Some writers stay up an hour after the rest of the family is in bed, or they get up an hour earlier than they need to. That hour is theirs for the purpose of writing and nothing else. Writers don't sit idly while waiting in a doctor's office, they have a notebook where they can jot down ideas and more. Consider the many places where you wait with nothing to do. Use that time to your advantage.

If you want more writing time, sit down and sketch your typical day. Check the things that you can give up or reduce to find that much-needed writing time. 

For those who have no family left at home, it's easier to find the time to write. People who retire find the gift of time day after day. It's those still working, raising children people who must learn to be time creative. 

Whatever stage you are in as a writer, you'll make time if you are passionate about writing. That's a key ingredient to finding the time to write. 

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