Friday, March 25, 2022

Encourage Other Writers


One of the reasons I started this blog nearly thirteen years ago was to encourage other writers. With all the self-doubts and fears writers tend to have, they need every bit of encouragement they can get. The sub-title of my blog says My Writing World With Tips and Encouragement for Writers. That covers a broad area, but I truly did, and continue to, encourage other writers. 

I feel that all writers should do what they can when they can to encourage other writers. Especially those who have seen some success in their craft. Be willing to share what you've learned along the path of your writing journey. How can you do that?

If you're asked to teach a workshop or present a topic at a conference, do it. Sometimes, your first thought is that you don't have time to prepare. It will take away from your writing time. But, remember that others before you presented workshops and programs that helped you. It's only fair to give back by sharing what you've learned. The side benefit is getting your name and your work out in the big world. 

Have you ever thought about mentoring a new writer? Writers who are in the early stages of writing can benefit greatly from having a mentor. Yes, it takes more of your time, and maybe your efforts won't always be completely welcome, but if you do help a writer to move along their own path, it can be a very good feeling. 

What about writing an article on the craft of writing. If it gets published, you're definitely encouraging other writers by helping them to learn something new or re-enforcing something they already knew. Again, you will reap the benefits of having your article published. 

If you're in a critique group, give as much encouragement in your critiques as you do suggestions for improvement. If all you do is point out what areas need work, it's rather defeating to the writer. Add some encouraging remarks, too.

If you think something complimentary about another writer, take a little time to drop a note or an email and tell them. It only takes a few minutes, and it could mean a lot to them. 

Hopefully, other writers have given you some encouragement as you traverse your own writing journey. 

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