Thursday, February 3, 2022

Writers--Creativity Takes Courage


Today's photo poster offers advice in a mere three words. 'Creativity takes courage' You bet it does.

When we take the plunge headfirst into the writing world, we have to be strong and have the courage to learn the ins and outs of this craft of writing, to put ourself up for criticism from both editors and readers. It's not easy.

There is no perfectly right or absolutely wrong way to write a story, essay, or poem. There are guidelines writers need to learn and follow, but it's alright to veer off course--if he/she has the courage to do so. Make no mistake. You must be brave to write 'your' way instead of the way all the writing reference books tell you. More power to you if you can do it.

I have noticed that some of the publications seeking admissions state that they don't want the normal, run of the mill writers but someone who is not afraid to choose a new method to write. A perfect invitation for the courageous. Especially for those whose work some editors have turned away as too off the normal path. These writers need to find editors with the same outlook they have about the method of writing they use.  Editors who like experimental writing. Finding them will take some research and market studying. 

New writers must find the courage to make that first submission. It's frightening to put your work out for criticism or rejection when all you want is an acceptance. If you write and write and write and never work up the courage to submit, you'll miss a lot and stay right where you are on your writing path. To move, you must start making submissions. One way to learn to handle the criticism that might come, or those nasty rejections, is to join a critique group where writers will read your work, offer suggestions and help you turn your work into a marketable piece. Once you get accustomed to these critiques, it might be easier to actually submit your work to an editor. 

To have the courage to move ahead on your writing journey, you have to be a bit of an egotist. Once you believe in your writing ability, it will be easier to submit, to join critique groups, and to continue writing. Remember the exercise I once suggested where you stand in front of a mirror and repeat "I am a writer." until you actually believe it? It will also help you have the courage needed to move ahead in your writing journey. There is a line, however, that you don't want to cross. You don't want readers or editors to think you are the biggest egotist ever. Use it to pump yourself up, not to overwhelm others.

Another part of being a writer that takes courage is public speaking. Some writers cringe at the thought of presenting their work in a public forum. It also takes practice. The more often you speak about your writing world or your latest book, the easier ti becomes. There are writers who have no problem speaking to a group. Aren't they the lucky ones? All writers who are published should learn to present themselves and their work in a public situation. Yes, it takes courage, but it can be done.

Our poster tells us that 'Creativity takes courage." I am in full agreement, and I wish a giant cupful of courage for each one of you today.

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