Friday, February 11, 2022

Photo Prompt Writing Exercise

My husband and I had the great good fortune of visiting South Africa twice. We were guests of friends who were born and raised there. We visited Kruger National Park while there and saw animals normally seen in the zoo in their natural habitat. Another place we visited was our friends' daughter's home called Glen Afric, where the animals roam free. The site of many movies, Glen Afric is also a lodge for guests with a lovely restaurant. These photos were taken as we drove through the many acres to view the animals. After Sunday lunch at the Lodge, we were delighted to partake in the Sunday tradition of feeding the elephants with scraps and leftovers from the lodge kitchen. 

For a photo prompt exercise this weekend, write a paragraph or more using the pictures above as your prompt. Create a full story if you are inspired to do so. 

Things to include when doing a photo prompt:

Sensory details--sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch 

Strong description

A sense of place

A possible story

Active verbs

Show, don't tell

Doing photo prompt exercises help you become a stronger writer. Some of the exercises can be expanded into a full story, poem, or essay. 

The photo below will show you the rondavel huts where we lived for the three days we spent at Kruger National Park. Electricity, air-conditioning, a kitchen on the covered porch--all the comforts of home, as well as monkeys screeching in the trees.  Maybe you can use this photo for your writing exercise, as well as the ones above. 


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