Friday, October 29, 2021

Three Groups of Writers

The last week or so, I have featured writers who self-published, or independently published books. They have become successful writers. I put them in one group while placing other writers in two other groups. 

Famed Writers
Successful Writers
Working at it Writers

All the people in the three groups above are working writers. The Famed Writers become a household name. People like Nora Roberts, John Grisham, James Patterson, Louise Penny and more are well-known in the USA and abroad. Those people didn't become part of this group in a flash. They worked hard to reach that level. They wrote and wrote and suffered rejection upon rejection at the beginning. They persevered and climbed the ladder until they reached the top. Even then, they must still continue to work and write novels that sell. 

What about the Successful Writers group? The authors featured at this blog in the past week or two are a part of that group. They, too, have worked hard, climbing the ladder to success one rung at a time. They aren't at the top yet but definitely on the way. They, too, have persevered, have received multiple rejections but kept going. They looked into the sef=lf-publishing route to success. Their books are selling, but they have to do all the things a publishing house might do for them. They want to pluck the gold ring as they pass by on the carousel of writing. Maybe they work even harder than the first group because they must do it all. 

The final group are the ones called Working at it Writers. They're working hard, too, but they stand at the lowest rungs of the ladder to success. Some are newbies who are learning as they go. Some are wannabe writers who also must learn a great deal. They have success often enough to want to keep writing. This group also lives with rejections and doubts and fear. (To be honest,the other two groups deal with these things, too) If the passion is within them, they'll continue to learn the craft and write often enough to start making further progress. The more we write, the more we learn, and the stronger our writing becomes. 

One writer friend is in the Successful Writers group. He formed his own publishing company and worked as hard at marketing as he did writing his YA novels. Did it work? Yes. His books have added audio versions, are used in schools as a teaching tool along with a teachers' guide. Did he persevere? Did he work hard? Absolutely. Will he continue? Yes

All three groups of writers have similar attributes. They work hard, They persevere. They learn to develop patience. They have goals and work toward them. They like writing. They do not give up.

 Which group do you belong to? Which one do you strive toward? 


  1. I think I know this guy: "One writer friend is in the Successful Writers group. He formed his own publishing company and worked as hard at marketing as he did writing his YA novels. Did it work? Yes. His books have added audio versions, are used in schools as a teaching tool along with a teachers' guide. Did he persevere? Did he work hard? Absolutely. Will he continue? Yes." Thanks for your encouragement and support for me and other writers!

    1. Yes, I think you do know him. I decided not to use any names of the writers I mentioned in this post. Knew you'd figure it out. :)


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