Friday, April 2, 2021

Writers--Call for Submissions



I checked the Chicken Soup for the Soul site yesterday and was pleasantly surprised to see calls for submissions for new books the anthology series is planning for the coming months. 

The list of old and new calls with deadline dates follows:
  • Angels   June 1, 2021
  • Christmas   May 15, 2021
  • Counting Your Blessings  April 30, 2021
  • Crazy Family  August 31, 2021
  • Dogs  August 31, 2021
  • Grieving, Loss, and Recovery  August 31, 2021
  • Humorous Stories August 30, 2021
  • Kindness  August 31, 2021
  • Messages from Heaven  August 31, 2021
  • Miracles  August 31, 2021
Ten books need stories, some have been asking for a while, and others are brand new calls. I found it interesting that so many had August 31 deadlines, with one at August 30! Also, there are three books with deadline dates looming closely.

As always, remember to read their suggestions for the topics. Doing this small task can act as a trigger to a memory that would work well for a story. Read the list, then give yourself time to ponder. Your subconscious mind may pull up old memories or ideas. Give it a little time.

Read the lengthy Guidelines page again. Yes, you've read it over and over, but do it again. When a publisher offers such detailed guidelines, they want you to follow them. As I've said many times, 'study them' not merely 'read' them. When your story is finished, go back and double-check that it fits those guidelines.

Usually, the finished book comes out around two months after the deadline for stories date, but with the same date for so many books, that may not be the case for these books. 

Please do remember that they also accept poems for the books. However, the poem must tell a story. 

Spend some time going over the call for submissions for these ten books. The more stories they need, the better your odds are of being selected. 

Lastly, do not wait until just prior to or on the deadline date. The editors start selecting stories long before that date. Your odds are better if you submit earlier. 

Please share this post with ohter writers.

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