Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Try an Adventure in Writing


Say yes to new adventures. That's today's quote, used because it appealed to me, and I hope it will to you, as well. 

When we find the niche in the writing world that suits us best, it's a satisfying feeling. Writing well in one genre builds confidence, but it also can allow us to become complacent. You might think: Why try something new when I am doing just fine where I am? 

If all you ever write is poetry, try to write prose. You might start with a prose poem. It's written paragraph style but using poetic tools such as similes, metaphors, alliteration, and more. Next move on to full prose of different kinds. Try a short memoir piece or a personal essay or short fiction. You might find one type that appeals to you, or you could say that prose is not for you and scurry back into the world of poetry. 

If you do head back to your comfort zone of poetry, it's not a problem. The positive part is that you went on a new adventure by slipping into the prose world for a short time. You left the safety of what you know, and that's adventurous.

In reverse, prose writers should try something new to them once in a while. If they only write fiction, try some creative nonfiction. It requires the same techniques as fiction; the difference is that your story must be true. If you write nothing but memoir, why not give short fiction a try? Try poetry. There is no rule that says you must stay in the new slot. You can go back to what you like best in a heartbeat. 

The important thing is that you say yes to some new adventures in writing. Get a taste and a feel for a different kind of writing than you normally do. Don't be the writer who says "Oh, I can't do that." Give something new a try. Doing so could give you a real lift. Change is beneficial, even if it ends up that you don't like what you tried. 

Get out of that all-too-comfortable writing place you're in once in a while. Have an adventure!

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