Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Stories Needed for New Chicken Soup for the Soul Book

Amy Newmark

The lady holding a stack of books is Amy Newmark, best-selling author, editor-in-chief, and publisher of the Chicken Soup for the Soul anthology series. Not surprisingly, the books are from the popular inspirational books that are still popular after 26 years.

Ms. Newmark took the reins in 2008 and is responsible for publishing 133 titles since then. Overall, there have been about 250 titles since its inception. Topping that statistic is another that is almost mind-boggling. The number of books sold in these 26 years rounds out to 500 million. 

I have never met Amy Newmark, but I have had a few personal notes from her written on the tear-away section of the checks I've received for my stories in the anthologies. She cares enough to add that personal touch. She's a mother of four and grandmother to one. She's just like so many of the authors who send her stories. 

All this is leading to a recent announcement of the newest title. Stories about Self-care and Me Time. I have a feeling that the majority of the stories that make it into this book are going to be written by women. Before anyone's hackles rise up, I'm sure there will be some good stories penned by men, too. But, women are known for putting everyone and everything first, then grabbing what little time is left for themselves. Mothers, for sure, career women who are also running households, women who have a full plate, yet find time to care for elderly parents. The list could go on, but you get the drift.

So, what kinds of stories are they looking for? This is what is listed on the website: 

When you realized you were NOT engaging in self-care, realized how important that is and what  that realization was like
 • How you turned the situation around and found your self-care and your me time
The consequences of NOT taking care of yourself
The benefits of proper self-care and me time
The benefits of getting enough sleep
The consequences of being sleep-deprived
How do you handle your self-care and me time? Share your tips and examples.
Have you made a difference to friends and family members too by encouraging them to take care of themselves?
Your favorite ways to spend “me time”
How do you relax and rejuvenate your mind, body and soul?
Self-care for physical wellbeing, whether it’s proper nutrition, exercise, environment, making those doctor appointments, addressing addictions (including the legal ones)
Self-care for emotional and mental wellbeing, whether it’s stress reduction, editing your calendar, changing who you spend time with, cutting back on obligations, seeing a therapist
What’s your strategy for including self-care in your daily life?
What have you added to your life?
What have you eliminated from your life?
WHO have you eliminated from your life? Self-care includes removing negativity and toxic people from your life, too!

You have plenty of time to send your stories as the deadline date is December 31, 2019. Read more about what they are seeking here. Don't forget that other all-important page to study--Guidelines for writing a Chicken Soup story. Whether you're a seasoned Chicken Soup for the Soul writer or have never sent them a story, it's important to follow the guidelines.

As I've been writing this post, thoughts about a possible story to send are swirling through my mind. How about you? No thought immediately? Ponder on it today as you go about your tasks.


  1. After reading the list, I think I am a person in need of self care. Thanks for the writing topics and the life prompt they gave.

    1. You're most welcome. I hope you come up with a story to send.


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