Monday, April 22, 2019

The Best Bank For Writers

What's in your Memory Bank?

Above your nose and between your ears rests one of a writer's greatest resources--the Memory Bank. With every one of life's little experiences--charming, embarrassing or aggravating--you make a deposit. You never have to wait in line or at the drive-up window to do so. All this with no monthly service charge and no paper statements to file. Your account is more than likely overflowing with riches. 

The first time you sit down to write, you make a withdrawal. Every story, article, poem or essay requires you to dip into the account. The best part is that no matter how many withdrawals you make, the bank is never empty; every deposit remains.

All it takes to open the bank is a word or two. Even 'mashed potatoes' might trigger a great story. "I remember one fateful night when my mother made me eat ice cold mashed potatoes..." You're off and running.

Your mind is filled with the riches of all you've lived through in your life. They may lie dormant for many years, and suddenly one day a word or two acts as the trigger for the memory to appear, and you can pluck it out at will. As writers, we use the wealth of our Memory Bank time and again.     

Yes, above your nose and between your ears, treasures lie waiting. There is no penalty for early withdrawal. 


  1. Love this! Yes, this bank pays dividends!

    1. Good one, Jim. Wish I had thought of it--'pays dividends.'


Book Review: Addressing Widowhood

Christina Hamlett has been a Guest Blogger here numerous times. An accomplished novelist, playwright, interviewer, former actress--the list ...