Friday, April 5, 2019

Mixed Feelings On A Writer's Quote

The quote today certainly has some truth in it. I think you can also reverse this a bit and say You only fail if you never start writing. Does that sound strange?

There are a good number of wannabe writers who read about writing, talk about writing, dream about writing but never attempt to write. Sound doubtful? Perhaps. But perhaps not. I think there are a lot of people who might fall into this category.

A number of years ago, I helped start a critique group for people who wrote for children. We met once a month. The members were asked to bring something they had written, read it aloud for the group, and then listen while the group critiqued the piece. It started out alright, although a couple of the people didn't read. They did offer suggestions to those who did read aloud. We spent the early part of each session talking about writing, new places to submit to, anything new in the writing world and other things writing-related. All the members participated in the conversation.

As time went on, fewer and fewer members brought something to read. I realized that these were people who wanted to be a writer but something held them back. They loved talking about writing, but they didn't produce. The group finally dissolved when I was doing the bulk of the writing and reading.

What causes this? My guess is that it can be one of several things. Fear is one. What if I bring something to read and they laugh at my effort?What if I can write the beginning but never an ending? Another reason is lack of confidence. These other people can write better than I can. What makes me think I can compete here? I also think that, for some, they find out that writing is not a lark. It is hard work. Maybe they aren't willing to put in the time to read about the craft, do writing exercises and more.

Yes, some people are in love with the idea of being a writer. Wouldn't that be cool? My friends would really admire me if I write and get published.

There are others who give writing a good shot. They spend a few years working at it only to give up, either slowly or in one fell swoop. Is that all bad? I don't think so. If you have given your effort and then find you don't enjoy writing, then maybe it's not for you. There's no shame in quitting, and I don't consider it as a failure. A writer who quits could end up being a master gardener or an illustrator or a musician. With these things in mind, I'm not sure I can agree with today's quote or my own reversal of those same words.

Rather than say a person who quit writing, or never got started, failed, I prefer to say that they have moved on to other things. Those of us who have been writing for a long time have acquired a passion for the craft. We can't not write. Something inside pushes us to string words together until they make sense and bring knowledge and pleasure to others.


  1. Reminds me of a few writing groups I've enjoyed. There's a lady in one of them that writes on scraps in her purse but reads every book I've written.Lol Great post.

    1. Funny about that woman. Don't you wonder what she does with those scraps later?


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