Thursday, April 11, 2019

Celebrating Libraries

This is National Library Week, so it seemed fitting to celebrate libraries and what they offer us. When the internet became a big thing in peoples' lives, it was said over and over that libraries will die now. It didn't happen as they seem to be alive and well. One reason is that librarians did not sit back and let it happen. Instead, they entered the technology world in numerous ways.

They opened tech centers where people could use computers for free and also attend instructional classes on using computers. They have online libraries where books can be downloaded onto a Kindle or Nook or your computer. Libraries have websites where patrons can do various things--from checking to see if the library has a book to put a hold request to getting information on story hours for children. 

I have used libraries since I was old enough to print my name on the application for a library card. I'm a fast reader and would never want to purchase all the books I read. The library in my town is one of my favorite places to be. I have often referred to it as my second home

I decided to post photos of various libraries. When I started to look, there were so many that I had a difficult time selecting only a few. Maybe the photos here will give an idea of the many kinds of libraries to be found. The photo at the top is actually the outside of the parking garage next to the Kansas City, MO main library. Someone had a fantastic idea, didn't they? Imagine turning a corner in your car and coming face to face with that spectacular wall!

Libraries are places where kids can 'hang out' after school or on weekends. Lots of adults do the same. Many libraries offer various types of programs for kids. Some sponsor book clubs and bring in speakers, often authors.

Who is the most famous librarian? Why Marian, of course, in The Music Man. It's the only movie I can think of where the librarian was 'glamorized.' Sadly, some think of librarians as the stereotype we've been fed for years--colorless, timid, mousy kinds of people. Not so. Librarians come in all shapes, sizes and personalities just like every other occupation. I find them ready to assist whenever needed. We thank our service men and women and rightly so, but how about thanking your librarian the next time you visit your library?

Some folks are fortunate enough to have a home library, one room filled with books and a comfy place to read. Most of us have bookcases here and there in our homes. At least, the readers do. We all collect books as we move through life. Some we have purchased, others have been gifts. We need a place to keep them, so we devise all kinds of spots in our homes.

One of the smallest, most innovative libraries I have seen was in a small village in rural England. One of the old, red telephone booths had been turned into the village library. Ken happened to see it when on an early morning walk, and he took me to see it before we left that area. 

Take a few minutes today to ponder the role libraries have played in your life. 

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed your read. Thanks for reminding me to thank a librarian!


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