Friday, January 18, 2019

Practice Writing Descriptions

 We often do photo prompt exercises and sometimes word prompts. This weekend might be a good time to practice another prompt. 

This one will help you practice writing description. What tools do we use when describing a person or place or even a thing? An adjective is probably one we think of first. Colors, textures, aromas--all of these figure into a description. Similes and metaphors help when we are trying to paint a word picture for our reader. Feelings can also be a factor.

Our description brings the reader into the story, essay, poem that you're writing. We give them the ability to look into another realm with the words we use to describe a situation, people, places and more. It would be beneficial for all of us to hone our descriptive ability in our writing.

Choose one or more in the following list. Write a descriptive paragraph. To make it more interesting, choose one and write two separate descriptive paragraphs using a different approach in each. If you like poetry, you might try writing a poem that describes any one of the items on the list. Do as many in the list as time allows. 

The List:
  • a summer day
  • a thunderstorm
  • a scum-covered pond
  • a football field
  • two boys fishing
  • a classroom
  • a cemetery
  • a carousel
  • an apple pie
  • a blizzard
  • a courtroom
  • a cruise ship
  • a mountain


  1. I love your posts! Illness and numerous hospital stays have tried to hinder my regular aim to write. I won't give up.

  2. I'm sorry about your health issues, Lisa, but maybe having a goal to write a little as many days a week as you can will be helpful and give you something else to think about. When I was recovering from surgery this past summer, I took on a big editing project and worked a little every day. It took my mind off my recovery problems.

  3. Thanks for the post Nancy! Lisa. Hope your health is improving. I found writing when I was facing health challenges helped me feel "normal". Peace all.

    1. Writing can be very helpful when we are not up to par. It can take your mind off whatever the issue might be.


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